“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
--- Margaret Mead
In February, our third scholarship student, Kilili Debo Roy graduated from Makerere University with a Bachelor of Science degree in nursing. He will now serve a required year of service as an intern and then find work in the health care industry in Uganda. Kilili survived multiple school lockdowns during the pandemic and managed to […]
Ssenkaali Godfrey was our first university scholarship recipient and graduated in 2014 from Uganda Martyrs University with a bachelor’s degree in Development Studies. Since then, he has been working on local development projects in his home village in the Rakai District, near the border with Tanzania, in southern Uganda. He has a lot of energy […]
Kilili Debo Roy is our third recipient of a university scholarship from Quench and Connect. He is now in his second year studying medicine at Makerere University in Kampala and doing very well. When we met him in Uganda, he told us that he had just received his grades and had earned a gpa of […]
In January, this year, our second recipient of a university scholarship, Kayongo David, joined in commencement exercises at Makerere University in Kampala. He received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Engineering. He and his family celebrated his degree, since he is the first in his family to attend university. As you can see from […]
In May, this year, our second recipient of a university scholarship, Kayongo David, finished his course-work for the Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Engineering from Makerere University in Uganda. He is a bright and talented student who will graduate in formal ceremonies in November with a cumulative grade-point average of 4.24/5.00, and recognition by […]