“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
--- Margaret Mead
A new borehole was drilled at the end of 2022 on the campus of St. Paul Secondary School in the Sironko District of eastern Uganda. The school was established in 2001 to serve students in the Sironko and Bukeda districts who cannot afford to attend expensive schools in the Mbale region. Enrollment has grown steadily, […]
A new borehole was drilled in the Spring on the campus of St. Thomas Aquinas Secondary School in the Nebbi District of northwestern Uganda. The local community is largely peasant farmers, who have little income. The school was opened five years ago in an old church to give parents an alternative to another school in […]
At the end of last year, a new borehole was drilled on the campus of Rwantsinga High School in the Mbarara district in southwestern Uganda. There are 658 students boarding at this school and studying at both O and A Levels. Unlike some schools, Rwantsinga High School owns the land for the campus buildings. Head […]
A new borehole was drilled in the Fall last year on the campus of PAG Secondary School in the Soroti District of central Uganda. The local community is semi-urban, although most of the parents sending their children to study are peasant farmers. Since the Head Teacher applied to us for a borehole, the enrollment has […]
One of the most important tasks for our work in Uganda is to conduct in-country site-visits at our project schools that have received boreholes. These visits offer us the chance to see the borehole in place and to learn how the borehole has impacted the lives of the students and staff at the recipient school. […]