Tropical High School, in the Iganga District of southeastern Uganda, received a borehole from Quench and Connect in 2020, during the pandemic. The borehole is functioning on campus, and when parents sent their children back to boarding school after three consecutive government COVID lockdowns, the enrollment nearly doubled since this school offered clean water to returning students. Head Teacher Kato Moses has created an academically strong school which is ranked first in the sub-region. This year, A Level curriculum was added and the first group of A Level students are now hard at work at Tropical High School. This year, Quench and Connect provided funds to the school to purchase small equipment, reagents, and tools needed to teach biology, chemistry, and physics laboratory curricula: beakers, flasks, thermometers, voltmeters, ammeters, pipettes, etc. Have a look at the picture above to see how happy the students are to show you their new equipment! Each student is showing you one of the items. They even purchased two bunsen burners and gas tanks (look at the lighted bunsen burner on the stool in front of the students)! All items were purchased from local vendors, so our funds directly impact the Ugandan community. Funds were also used to purchase computers: ten refurbished desktops and twelve laptops. They used some of the funds to create a clean computer lab (see the picture). This school already had a government-supplied power pole for the computers. We expect great things from this school in the future.
Many thanks to all of you for donating these science teaching tools!