We are happy to report that we have provided a water catchment system to collect rainwater at Bududa Secondary School in the eastern part of Uganda. This school has 1495 children who come as day students in an urban area of the Bududa District. The campus area is very congested and so drilling a borehole was not possible at this site. The students have only a spring well in the community that is shared by the local villagers, and is contaminated at the source of collection due to the large numbers of people who come to collect water. During dry periods, students have to walk several kilometers to another source. This is a serious problem because this region of Uganda is prone to heavy mudslides and, during periods of heavy rains, they experience widespread outbreaks of water-borne diseases. With donations from you, the school has now constructed a guttering system to collect rain water into a large holding tank directly on campus (see the pictures). The Head Teacher Makwa Joseph says: “It has saved the students from walking long distance and improved on sanitation”. Many thanks to all of you for giving these students a reliable source of clean water!!