This Secondary School is located in the Kibaale District in western Uganda, in a small impoverished town. It was founded by the local parents, and the Headmaster Ntirenganya Vincent leads a dedicated team of teachers who provide O and A level curriculum for 461 students. Getting clean water was a particularly challenging problem at this school, since the nearest source was a spring pipe located 4 km from the school. Teachers had to leave the classroom to chaperone the students while they were fetching water from this great distance. Lessons were interrupted daily for this task. Furthermore, the water had open access for livestock, was contaminated, and subject to seasonal periods where the water supply dwindled to nearly nothing. Because of this, students were sick from drinking bad water, and parents were threatening to send their children to other schools where the water was not so far away. Just two weeks ago we drilled a borehole at Kyakabadiima Parents Secondary School (see the picture). The students and teachers no longer have to walk so far to get water, and it is now clean water that they are drinking!
Many thanks to the Rotary Club 33 of San Diego and Barbara Samilson (for Jennifer Gardham) who provided the funds for this borehole!