At the end of last year, we drilled a new borehole on the campus of St. Dominic Savio Secondary School in Masindi, in north central Uganda. Previously, more than 600 students there took their drinking water from a single pipe faucet that delivered contaminated water from an unclean source. Frequently, the water would stop flowing, sometimes for days, and then the students had no water at all. Now, they have clean reliable water from a borehole that was drilled right next to the boys’ dormitory. The picture shows some of the students with their new borehole during an all-day formal commissioning ceremony. This borehole is also a valuable new asset for the local community, and will last for 10-15 years. The entire cost of this borehole was donated by the McFadden family in Omaha, Nebraska. Quench and Connect and the students and teachers at St. Dominic’s are so grateful for this very generous gift. The school created a plaque acknowledging the gift, and mounted the plaque on the wall of the boys’ dormitory so it will be out of the weather. They even posted a red arrow, pointing the way to their new borehole (see the picture).
What about your family? Would your family like to donate a borehole to a school in Uganda? Let us know and we will find a school for you!!
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world: indeed it’s the only thing that ever has.”—Margaret Mead
We at Quench and Connect thank you for your past donations, and we sincerely hope that you will be able to donate again this year. We need you to continue to help us so we can give students clean water to drink. We can’t do it without you!! Your gift will definitely make a huge difference in the lives of Ugandan students who hope to succeed in school, and rise out of poverty.