Peter Greenspan is a Pediatrician at Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston MA
He is the senior associate at Massachusetts General Waltham Medical Group Pediatrics where he practices primary care pediatrics. He is an assistant professor of Pediatrics at Harvard Medical School. Peter has worked for 45 years at Mass General both in practice and administration. He served as Vice Chair of the Department of Pediatrics at Massachusetts General Hospital, and as Medical Director of MassGeneral Hospital for Children. His scholarly publications focus on differences in hospitalization rates for children with asthma in various geographies.
Peter is a talented, caring physician, and also is an educator. He holds a masters degree from Harvard Graduate School of Education. He teaches medical students and residents in pediatrics, in didactic and clinical settings. He has a long list of committee service focused on medical training and education of pediatricians. He is dedicated to teaching best practices for young physicians, and he mentors young faculty.
Peter brings to our Board of Directors an extensive knowledge of health care for children, and a clear understanding of health challenges in developing countries. As we grow and increase our projects at high schools in Uganda, he offers critical insight into educational practices that lead to good outcomes that can evolve with access to clean drinking water.